Qld Fishing 2.0 app disclaimer and privacy statement
The information contained in the Qld Fishing 2.0 application is intended as a guide only to Queensland fishing regulations under the Fisheries Act 1994 (the Act). It does not replace the provisions of the Act and should not be relied upon as legal advice. The laws and regulations governing recreational fishing in Queensland are subject to alteration from time to time and therefore it is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of any changes in the relevant laws and regulations.
Fisheries Queensland and its employees do not, to the extent permissible by law, warrant or make any representations regarding the use of the information contained in or created by this application, as regards its correctness, reliability, currency or otherwise. The Department of Primary Industries and its employees expressly disclaim all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs and responsibility to any person using the information. This includes any photographs uploaded to Facebook and Instagram, including of minors, as they are not viewed or endorsed by Fisheries Queensland or the Queensland Government.
Privacy statement
The Department of Primary Industries has developed an application (app) to engage with you and to provide information about fishing in Queensland. The app requires your personal information to function however use of the app and its features is voluntary and you can enable or disable those functions that you do not want.
The app allows you to:
- browse or search for fish species, view species description and scientific name
- access and search Queensland's fishing rules, including possession limits, size limits and closures
- contact Fisheries Queensland and report unlawful fishing to the FishWatch hotline
- opt-in to receive Fisheries Queensland notifications, including reminders about upcoming closures
- purchase a permit to fish in one of our stocked dams or weirs (via a link to the SIPS platform)
- access geo-targeted fishing rules to help determine if fishing is allowed in a particular location — this feature uses location maps and spatial data
- submit a photo of your catch and use the app's artificial intelligence feature to assist in identifying the species — the Fish ID tool is only available for a limited number of common Queensland fish species
- learn more about your catch through the provision of information such as species, size, approximate age, and compare the size of your fish to others — this ageing feature is only available for a limited number of common Queensland fish species
- submit information, or make an enquiry or complaint to Fisheries Queensland
- submit fishing trip details, allowing users to maintain a history of their fishing activities including
- opt-in login to the app using your email address through the Microsoft Azure platform — the app receives your email address, IP address, Unique ID and device info from the Microsoft Azure platform
- mandatory landing location which is used to define the broad area that fishing occurred in
- optional fishing location which is used to understand which stocks are being fished and is captured at a 30x30 nautical mile scale
- all information collected via the submit catch details feature is stored securely and retained by Fisheries Queensland — it will not be used for compliance purposes.
You can use the app when you are in a remote location or have limited mobile signal reception. The app uses cached species and simplified mapping information as part of its offline functionality.
Please note that as part of collecting your personal information to enable the above functions, the app may need to access your:
- GPS location — where GPS is used for the mapping function (optional)
- camera, photo library and GPS — when you submit images, for example a fish image with location (optional).
Personal information collected by the app for the feedback form is stored in Amazon's AWS DC in Sydney, while content not containing personal information is stored on a server overseas. By default, all content is encrypted during delivery.
As the internet can never be completely risk free, you are advised against uploading any personal information that you would not wish to be made public. You are also advised not to upload the personal information of any other person without their consent. It is not advised to upload any images of persons under the age of 18 years.
In the event that you provide information via the app that relates to a matter that is not the responsibility of Fisheries Queensland, we will pass on this information, along with your contact details, to the relevant agency so that they may respond directly to you. If you do not want your details forwarded, please notify us at the time of providing information on that matter.
If you are lodging a complaint, you are requested to simply identify the issue and provide contact details and we will deal with your complaint outside the confines of the app. You can also provide your complaint anonymously.
Read our privacy policy.
For all enquiries about the app or fisheries matters, including complaints:
- email qldrecfishingapp.support@daf.qld.gov.au
- call 13 25 23.